viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010


I've found this web site to learn english.
I must inspect it better but it look good. For instance, it has the conjugation of the english verbs:

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

sixth meeting was done

The last meeting was the last at the moment. August is time to rest and we decided postpone the meetings. Perhaps September may be the moment to take up again the meetings. We will contact all together by this blog. Enjoy the hollidays!!!!!

martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Now in RTVE: Morris

Destino España: Euskadi
Se llama Michael aunque por Zarautz todos le llaman Mikel. Es norteamericano ha escrito el diccionario euskera-inglés más vendido. Este filológo aterrizó en España hace ya 31 años y conoce hasta la historia del ratoncito Pérez. Habla hasta 10 lenguas y aprende chino mientras entrena en el gimnasio.

The secret to learn english pronunciation: try again and again

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

Fourth meeting

Today other meeting to practice English!!!!! We'll meet you in the same place at the same hour, but the plan today is walk around the beach to drink something and then to have a light dinner in the society.

This is a picture from the latest meeting. If you hear close you can hear the English conversation.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Third meeting

This thrusday at 8 o'clock at evening in the Galeperra gastronomic club the third practice english meeting. We wait you!!!!!

BBC Learning English

The bbc broadcasting tv channel has a channel on youtube to teach english. This is the url:

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Second Practice Meeting

This week we'll have a new meeting. In the same place (Galeperra) at the same time (on thursday at 8 o'clock p.m.). Will you come? Schedule it!!!

Dictionaries on the Internet

I want to share with you some resources to validate our orthography. Here they are:
- English-Spanish dictionary
- Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online
- metabuscador de diccionarios
-Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary (metabuscador)

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Balance of the first practice meeting

There were seven of us. We spoke a lot and had a good cheaper dinner. We hope some people that today didn't come can come to next meeting. All of you are invited!!!!!

We had a picture in the fun meeting. See it!!!!

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

First Practice Meeting

Do you want to practice English? Do you want to lose the embarrass? Do you want to have fun learning English? This is your meeting.
We wait you this Thursday in Galeperra Soziedadea at 8 o'clock on the evening. We will speak in English and we will dinner something until the 11 o'clock on the evening.

Are you ready for this? Come with us!!!!!

PD: We need to know more or less how many people will come the Thursday. Please, publish a comment to this post noticing your intention to coming.

Where is the meeting? Here it is!!!

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Introduction to phonetics

In this first video you can practice the English phonetic. Enjoy it!!!

Learn English - Introduction to phonetics 06:22 min. 7th February, 2008

Hello Zarautz

This is the first post in the Practice English In Zarautz blog. I hope will be more.